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Showing posts from 2016

Install Centos using VMplayer

Here we will install centos 6. Redhat installation will be similar to centos Below are few steps. Step1: Open VMplayer and configure necessary settings (CPU,RAM, Disk etc) Step2: Installation of OS. Run the VM Step3: Once installation completes reboot the VM Step4: After system comes up check the IP address. Currenlty there no IP address assigned. We will check the config. IP adress is - This is dynamic IP which means in next reboot server may have different IP. Step5: Create a static IP address for the server. We should know the gateway IP of the server and add it in eth0 config. Gateway IP is Step6: We will reboot and check if IP address is same IP address is same. Step7: Now you can use this IP to connect the virtual machine from putty (Host Machine) Step8: Thats All. Hope you liked this. Thanks

connect: Network is unreachable

connect: Network is unreachable If you are getting below error, then probably you have not added gateway address or you have incorrect gateway in config file. [root@cluster ~]# ping connect: Network is unreachable Before: [root@cluster ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth3 DEVICE=eth3 TYPE=Ethernet ONBOOT=yes NM_CONTROLLED=yes BOOTPROTO=static IPADDR= NETMASK= After: [root@cluster ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth3 DEVICE=eth3 TYPE=Ethernet ONBOOT=yes NM_CONTROLLED=yes BOOTPROTO=static IPADDR= NETMASK= GATEWAY= [root@cluster ~]# ifdown eth3 [root@cluster ~]# ifup eth3 Determining if ip address is already in use for device eth3... [root@cluster ~]# ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=261 ms 6...

Ansible script to stop iptables

 Ansible script to stop iptables and disable during boot Step 1. [root@cluster playbooks]# pwd /root/playbooks [root@cluster playbooks]# cat hosts [webservers] Step2. [root@cluster playbooks]# cat iptables.yml --- - name: stop ipatbles and disable   hosts: webservers   tasks:   - name: stop iptables     service: name=iptables state=stopped   - name: disbale on iptable on boot     service: name=iptables enabled=no Step3: [root@cluster playbooks]# ansible-playbook iptables.yml PLAY [stop ipatbles and disable] *********************************************** TASK [setup] ******************************************************************* ok: [] ok: [] ok: [localhost] TASK [stop iptables] *********************************************************** changed: [localhost] ok: [] ok: [] TASK [disbale on iptable on boot] *********************************...

Ansible script to install httpd

Ansible script to install httpd package and enable httpd during boot. Step 1. [root@cluster playbooks]# pwd /root/playbooks [root@cluster playbooks]# cat hosts [webservers] Step2. [root@cluster playbooks]# cat httpd.yml --- - name: Install httpd package and start the service   hosts: webservers   tasks:   - name: install httpd     yum: name=httpd update_cache=yes   - name: enable httpd on boot     service: name=httpd enabled=yes   - name: start the service     service: name=httpd state=started Step3. Run [root@cluster playbooks]# ansible-playbook httpd.yml Output: PLAY [Install httpd package and start the service] ***************************** TASK [setup] ******************************************************************* ok: [] ok: [] TASK [install httpd] *********************************************************** changed: [] changed: [169.2...