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GCP Cloud Armor - Protect Your Websites and Apps

Google Cloud Armor stands as your valiant protector, a multi-layered shield against the ever-evolving digital threats. It's like a fortified outpost at the edge of your network, meticulously inspecting incoming traffic, neutralizing malicious intent before it reaches your critical assets.

  • Cloud Armor absorbs and distributes attack traffic, ensuring your website remains operational even under the heaviest bombardment.
  • Shield your applications from common vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross-site scripting. Cloud Armor's pre-configured and customizable WAF rules act as vigilant sentries, blocking malicious requests before they wreak havoc.
  • Cloud Armor's intelligent rate limiting throttles suspicious traffic patterns, preventing bots and unauthorized access attempts from overwhelming your systems.


  • Unbreakable Security: Focus on your core business knowing your website and applications are shielded from a vast array of threats.
  • Uptime Uninterrupted: Deliver a seamless user experience with a website that remains online and responsive, even under attack.
  • Cost-Effective Defense: Eliminate expensive hardware and complex security infrastructure with Cloud Armor's managed service.
  • Scalable & Adaptable: Grow with confidence knowing Cloud Armor scales seamlessly to meet your evolving security needs.
Use cases:

When a holiday surge met a relentless DDoS attack, a major e-commerce platform faced potential disaster. Cloud Armor stepped in, absorbing the attack and ensuring a seamless shopping experience, saving millions in lost revenue.

Explore Cloud Armor:

  • Documentation:
  • Best Practices:


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